Thursday, March 16, 2006

2 Obliterators consolidate into cover after detroying 2 Vindicators. Posted by Picasa

Dale's Demonic Nurgle Prince in the city! Posted by Picasa

The Bane Blade! Nuff Said Posted by Picasa

Traitor guard deepstrike into the city objective. Posted by Picasa

The faithful guard hold their groud and rip up the chaos traitors. Posted by Picasa

Decimated trator armored companies. Posted by Picasa

My one triumph I took down a wall section and revieled the bane blade! Posted by Picasa

1/2 of my 1050 HQ killed by 3 Black Templar Termies (granted 2 are IC) Posted by Picasa

What's left of 2 trator armored companies. Posted by Picasa

All out WAR as 2 Chaos titans come on the board and the armies march across the great divide. Posted by Picasa

Steve's Space Wolves guard the imperial city gate. Posted by Picasa

Tim's VDR war machine come onto the board with 4 structure points and 4 void shields weighing in at just over 1000 points. This won Tim best convertion for the big game. Posted by Picasa

Close up view of the guns, guns, guns! Posted by Picasa

Side view of the monster walker. Posted by Picasa

Another view of Tim's VDR Posted by Picasa

Wolf riders attack a deepstriking trator guard unit. Posted by Picasa

The Imperials assault from the gate! Posted by Picasa

My 1050 HQ squad get pounded by a 550 point Black Templar HQ. Kurt made 7 out of 9 crux saves he is a master. There was 12 bikes 1 HQ & 11 AC in this unit and 9 total terminators when this began. Posted by Picasa

The Imperials open the gates and rush out to attack the Nurgle terminators and Khorne Jet pack troops. Posted by Picasa

What was left after the Imperial Assault through the gate. Posted by Picasa

The Imperials (Steve) gives it to Chaos (Dale). Posted by Picasa

Just a Little friendly Rivalry Steve smiles Dale laughs it off :-) Posted by Picasa

Blood Angel Termies vs My Nurgle Termies. Charge! Posted by Picasa

My Chaos Dreadclaw finally drops in with a CC dread to little to late. Posted by Picasa

Dark Angels removing the last of the deepstriking Traitor Guard in the city. Posted by Picasa